4 months, while none of the patients achieved an objective respon

4 months, while none of the patients achieved an objective response, but 57% of the patients achieved stable disease. The confirmed DCR in our study is slightly higher than the DCR of 28. 5% and 33. 2% in the ipilimumab phase III trials. Even in the EORTC phase I trial of aviscumine to treat solid malignant tumors, twice weekly subcutaneous injections up to 10 ng/kg body weight showed a disease control rate of 31%, lasting from 11. 3 to 35. 7 weeks. Patients receiving aviscumine reported only 8 drug related adverse events grade 3 or 4. These were cerebral ischaemia, dyspnoea, hyperglycaemia, leukopenia, neu tropenia, pruritus, thrombocytopenia and venous throm bosis. The majority of drug related adverse events were immune related and consistent with the proposed mechanism of action of aviscumine.

The patient with cerebral ischae mia started into the trial with known leukopenia and thrombocytopenia due to previous chemotherapy. Subcutaneous injection of aviscumine induced anti aviscumine antibodies. The induction of these antibodies did not have any influence on the outcome parameters disease control rate and survival. Although the mechan ism underlying the activity of aviscumine is not fully understood, it is known that the drug induces a strong immune response via pleiotropic mechanisms due to ac tivation either of the innate or the adaptive immune sys tem. In conclusion, the relatively high DCR and relatively long OS in patients with unresectable metastatic melan oma, the good tolerability of 350 ng aviscu mine per injection after failure of dacarbazine or other previous therapies suggest that larger, randomized, con trolled clinical trials also as treatment combinations con sidering the immune related response criteria are now warranted.

Conclusions Aviscumine treatment at a dose of 350 ng resulted in clinical activity in patients with unresectable metastatic malignant stage IV melanoma who had undergone previous treatment. These results provide rationale for further clinical evalu ation of this agent. In the light of effective new immune checkpoint blockers it might be a candidate for combi nations with these agents. Methods Patients Patients had to be at least 18 years old, with histologically confirmed stage IV melanoma with unresectable metasta ses and one or more measurable lesions. All patients had received at least one prior line of anti neoplastic therapy.

They had Eastern Brefeldin_A Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 or 1, LDH 2. 5 ULN, serum creatin ine levels 1. 5 mg/dL, absolute neutrophil count 1. 5 109/L, platelet count 100 109/L, and life expectancy 3 months. Patients had measurable disease according to Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors guidelines. Exclusion criteria included pretreatment with mistletoe extracts, CNS metastasis, and ocular or mucosal melanoma. Study design The study was conducted at 4 centres in Germany be tween April 2008 and May 2010.

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