However, no difference in the susceptibility of RhoH cells was fo

However, no difference in the susceptibility of RhoH cells was found compared to con trol cells. Overe pression of RhoH leads to the upregulation of p21Cip1 and p27Kip1 We therefore reasoned that RhoH may play a role in regulation Axitinib cancer of cell cycle progression, rather than apopto sis. The activities of cell cycle regulating cyclin depen dent kinases are negatively controlled by the WAF CIP family of CDK inhibitors. We e amined the e pression levels of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibi tors p21Cip1 which is known to be a STAT1 induced gene and p27Kip1 of the same family by quantitative real time PCR using GAPDH as a reference gene. Total RNA was prepared from control cells and RhoH cells and the gene e pression of p21Cip1 and p27Kip1 were determined.

RhoH cells showed a 55 and 40 fold increase in the e pression of p21Cip1 and p27Kip1, respectively, compared to control cells. There were no significant changes in the e pression of p21Cip1 and p27Kip1 detectable in siRhoH cells compared to the control. This increased e pression was also found in IL3 treated bone marrow cells from wildtype compared to RhoH deficient mice. To corrobo rate this finding also on the protein level, we prepared whole cell lysates from all three cell lines and subjected them to western blot analysis using p21Cip1 and p27Kip1 specific antibodies and b actin as a loading control. Again, we found p21Cip1 and p27Kip1 to be upregulated in cells overe pressing RhoH. The result ing quantification of the blots shows a statistically signif icant two fold upregulation of p21Cip1e pression.

The detected p27Kip1 e pression is less prominent but reproducible. We therefore propose that the e pres sion of RhoH modulates IL3 induced proliferation through upregulation of p21Cip1 and p27Kip1e pression and we suggest that this is a STAT1 dependent event. Undere pression of RhoH enhances STAT5 activity It was recently shown that reduced RhoH levels can be connected to cancer and protection from apoptosis. STAT5 is the major STAT protein activated by IL3 and is described to induce anti apoptotic genes and cell proliferation. Consequently, dominant negative STAT5 leads to partial inhibition of IL3 induced prolifera tion. We therefore e amined the ability of RhoH or siRhoH cells to activate STAT5 after IL3 stimulation. Equal cell numbers of previously IL3 depleted BaF3 cells were stimulated with 50 ng ml IL3 and STAT5 was preci pitated from the resulting lysates.

Western blot analysis and quantification of pSTAT5 levels that was corrected for the level of total STAT5 showed a strong reduction of STAT5 tyro sine phosphorylation compared to control cells. This again corroborated our finding that proliferation in response to IL3 is Brefeldin_A decreased in RhoH overe pressing cells. Reduction of RhoH e pression in siRhoH cells led to a small increase in STAT5 tyrosine phosphoryla tion compared to control cells that showed higher varia tions between independent e periments.

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