Independently, the decrease in blood pressure (BP), heart rate (H

Independently, the decrease in blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and rate-pressure product (RPP) reduces the risk of vascular disease [3]. One elective strategy to control these cardiovascular variables is pharmacological therapy, for example, the use of beta-blockers, which are capable of antagonizing the sympathetic effects on the heart and consequently sellectchem reduce HR and increase end-diastolic volume and stroke volume [4]. Beta-blockers are recommended for patients with heart failure, ischemic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, and hypertension [5].RT is modality that has been shown to promote benefits on certain cardiovascular variables, both in sedentary and hypertensive individuals [1]. The cardioprotective effects of regular physical activity are decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure, postexercise hypotension, and reduced resting heart rate [1].

These effects occur either as a result of chronic adaptation or in acute responses of cardiovascular variables after a single exercise session [5].Resistance training progression and adaptation relies on the manipulation of training variables such as volume, frequency, velocity of muscle contraction, exercise order, and the rest interval length between sets [6]. It has been shown that shorter rest intervals between sets (<1.5 minutes) promote superior hypertrophic and hormonal stimuli and modify to a higher amount the energetic metabolism [7, 8].The magnitude of BP, HR, and RPP responses during RT are directly related to intensity, the number of repetitions and sets, and the rest interval [9].

Recently, Scher et al. [10] demonstrated that training volume exerted strong influences on cardiovascular response in elderly individuals during hypertension treatment. The results demonstrated that two passages in the circuit resistance training at 40% of one repetition maximum (1RM) was more effective in reducing SBP during a 24h period than one passage. Previous research has shown a decrease in postexercise SBP after circuit RT (five exercises at 50% of one-maximum repetition) Anacetrapib in normotensive and hypertensive women [11]. However, the cardiovascular response after multiple set RT with short rest interval between sets in hypertensive women using beta-blockers has not been investigated. This is particularly important since cardiovascular variables are modified to a greater extent after multiple sets compared with single set [3].

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