They also found that fasting glucose levels remained

They also found that fasting glucose levels remained Paclitaxel FDA unchanged over the same period, while significant changes in TC and HDL cholesterol were observed within the first three months of treatment; subsequent changes were more modest [14].In this study, our results were similar to those of Smith et al.; by the end of six months, TC, LDL cholesterol, and TG levels had increased. However, in the study by Smith and colleagues, HDL cholesterol continued to increase over time, while it decreased markedly in our study [13]. Our results showed that FBG levels remained unchanged over this period of time compared to the pretreatment values. Similarly, Nishiyama et al. studied 49 patients with prostate cancer who received ADT in a manner similar to ours, GnRH + AA or orchiectomy + AA, for six months and found a slight, but significant, increase in FBG levels over the course of the study.

In the same period, they reported that HDL cholesterol and TG levels did not change significantly [15].Although they did not provide details regarding ADT, Mohamedali et al. showed that ADT users had significantly higher 12-month FBG levels compared with controls, and they concluded that ADT was the strongest statistically significant, independent predictor of FBS levels [16]. In our study, statistically significant FBG levels were detected one year later. In addition, Basaria et al. studied a limited number of patients, and they observed an increase in FBG levels in patients who received ADT (no detail on ADT) for one year. [17].

In contrast, to assess whether ADT was associated with an increased incidence of diabetes, other cardiac problems, and stroke, Keating et al. extensively studied (mean 4.5 years) a large number of patients (more than 37,000) of all ages who were diagnosed with and treated for prostate cancer. Their patients who received ADT (39% of the total patients) also received treatments that included GnRH antagonists, oral AA therapy, a combination of GnRH antagonists and oral AA therapy, or orchiectomy. They found that after adjusting for patient and tumour characteristics, any use of ADT was associated with diabetes [18]. The aforementioned findings, along with many others suggest that patients with Cilengitide an altered glucose metabolism might require a long amount of time for ADT administration to produce results, as Pagliarulo underlined in a review [19]. As Mohamedali stated, studies demonstrating lipid alterations with ADT have been somewhat contradictory [16]. In an early study, chronic administration of the GnRH agonist leuprolide depot was used in 26 BPH patients, and the mean TC level increased by 10.6%, HDL cholesterol by 8.2%, and TG by 26.9%, but LDL cholesterol levels did not change [11].

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