We should note that the

We should note that the Navitoclax Phase 2 equilibrium state of the network 1100 has 0 for the tumor state. This is because the tumor is activated by K3 and inhibition of K3 should eradicate the tumor. On the other hand, since both K1 and K2 can cause tumor through activation of intermediate K3, inhibition of only one of K1 and K2 will not block the tumor. The BN following inhibition of K2 is shown in Figure 7 where the attractor 1011 denotes a tumorous phenotype. Experiment design to infer the dynamic pathway structure The TIM can be used to produce possible dynamic models based on assumptions of latent activa tions or mutations. For instance, knowledge of the steady state value of the target K1 following application of target inhibitor for K3, will remove one of the possibilities.

Fol lowing inhibition of K3, the value of K1 will remain 1 for the case of Figure 4 as K1 is upstream of K3. Conversely, the value of K1 will be 0 for the second case as K3 activates K1. In the following paragraphs, we will consider a gen eral pathway obtained from a TIM having the structure shown in Figure 8 but with unknown directionalities of the blocks and target positions. For the current analy sis, we will assume that there are no common targets 1011 be located down stream of Bi. Note that the number of experiments required is based on steady state measurements following particular per turbations. Time series measurements can reduce the 0100 01 number of experiments required but may not be always technically feasible.

For our analysis, we are assuming that we can inhibit specific targets of our choice and we can measure the steady state target expression following applicatin of the target inhibitions. We can locate the directionality of the blocks B1 to BL by using at most L ? 1 steady state measurements. We can start by randomly picking any block Bi and blocking the targets in that block, the blocks that will remain acti vated will be upstream of that block and the blocks that The next step will be locating the directionality of tar gets in each parallel line of the block. We can start with an experiment where for each block Bi, one target from each line up to a maximum of ai ? 1 lines will be inhib ited. We Cilengitide cannot inhibit all the lines in a block or else the downstream blocks will also be inhibited and no infer ence can be made on those blocks for that experiment. While locating the directionality of the serial blocks Bi, we have already validated the position of one target from each parallel line in a serial block.

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