a Stipe surface. b Stipe surface near exciple. c Epithecium. d Ascospores being released through the epithecium; note the blade-like crystals. e Ascospores. Scale bars: 10 μm (a and SCH 900776 molecular weight b), 20 μm (c) and 1 μm (d and e) Fig. 5 Line drawings of anatomical details of Chaenothecopsis proliferatus sp. nov. (in water and
CR). a Paraphyses (JR990346, JR000595). b Stipe (JR990048). c Exciple (JR990048). d Ascus tip (JR990061, JR000595). e Ascospores (JR990048, JR990061, JR990312, JR000595). f Spore wall (JR990312). g Paraphyses, asci, and epithecium (JR000593). Scale bars: 10 μm. Drawing by HT MycoBank no.: MB800706 Type: China. Hunan Province. Dayong County, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. Fuqiyan, along trail to view point above Zhangjiajie Hotel; young mixed Cunninghamia-angiosperm forest with large remnant Pinus massoniana. On resin, resin-soaked bark, and lignum of Cunninghamia lanceolata. 15.IX.1999, 29°19′N, 110°25′E, elev. 650 m, Rikkinen JR990061 (holotype H). Etymology: proliferatus refers to the common Gefitinib production of branched and proliferating ascocarps in this species. Description Apothecia on resin or resin-soaked wood and bark of Cunninghamia lanceolata, small to medium, 800–2,000 μm high, black with a bluish tinge. Stipe shiny black, https://www.selleckchem.com/products/tpx-0005.html long and slender, occasionally branching, 30–80 μm wide. Capitulum discoid to lentil-shaped, rarely subspheric or ovoid, bluish black, 170–250 × 300–400 μm. Young capitulum shiny, later
spores accumulate as agglomerates on top of capitulum, appearing as black spots. Old capitulum covered with brown hyphae that possibly originate from germinated spores. New apothecia proliferate often from old capitula, usually several from the same capitulum. All parts of apothecium N– and MLZ–. Asci arise from croziers, cylindrical, 64.0–81.0 × 3.5–4.5 μm (n = 10), apex variously thickened and often penetrated by a short canal, mature asci sometimes without thickening. Hymenium and hypothecium IKI+, reaction fast and only seen by adding fresh IKI to a partly dried water squash preparation while observing through the
microscope. The blue Clomifene reaction usually disappears in seconds after the IKI has penetrated the material, the speed and the strength of the reaction seems to vary depending on the age and pigmentation of the ascocarp. Ascospores uniseriately and periclinally arranged, sometimes partly obliquely arranged in asci, brownish green, cylindrical to fusoid, one-septate, in mature spores septum as thick as spore wall, the spore wall inwardly thickened at junction between septum and spore wall; (7.2–) 7.5–11.3 (−11.8) × 3.1–4.3 (−4.6); mean 10.3 × 3.4 μm (n = 90, from 9 ascocarps, 6 populations); Q = 1.9–3.6 μm, mean Q = 3.0. Spores smooth under the light microscope, but each examined ascocarp typically had a small ratio (less than 15 %) of young spores with very minute, pointed ornamentation. Paraphyses hyaline, filiform, 65–85 × 1.0–1.